
A Text About Me and Some Evaluation About It - English Task

Text Writer :   I*** V***** H**** (19020*****) I’m I*** V***** H****. You can call me I*** or I*** V***. I’m a muslim. I was born in P*****, January **, 20**. And now, I’m 19 years old. I’m from a simple family. I’m the last of two siblings and I have an older brother. I study at the State Islamic Institute of P*****, I majored in Arabic. I’m a introvert girl. I fill my energy when I’m alone. I feel a bit uncomfortable when in a crowd of people. I am also an overthink person, but I always try to stay normal. Usually people judge me as a quiet girl. That's true, but if I'm with people who are close to me, I can be a very fussy person. I love listening to the Quran. Because one of the tips to get peace of mind and heart is through the Qur'an. My favorite reciters are Muhammad al-Naqeeb, Ziyad Patel, Shaykh Maher Al-Mu'aiqly, Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Ossy, Shaykh Yasser al-Dossary, Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sudays, Islam Sobhi, Zain Abu Kautsar, Bara Masoud, and Fadli Abdul...

My Dream - English Homework

I**** V****** H***** NIM. 19020***** PBA II B I am I***, in this paper I want to tell about one of my dreams. One of my biggest dreams is that I want to live in the hometown of the our Prophet, Medina An Nabawiyyah. I want to stay and settle there because I know that the city of Medina is a city that is so peaceful, beautiful, calming, a city full of the history of Rasulullah and the previous Muslims, a city that gave birth to many scholars who hold fast to the Quran and Sunnah, so, which Muslim is not in love with the city of Medina? I really love the city of Medina, especially considering there is a hadith and in the hadith, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam once said that "Faith retreats to Madeenah like a snake returns to its hole". There were so many privileges that Allah gave to this city. Allah has made Medina a city full of blessings and has been glorified by Him. And this made me make Medina as one of my big dreams to be able to feel the joy of livin...

Contoh Article Past Continous Tense

I**** V******* H***** NIM. 19******** PBA II B PAST CONTINOUS TENSE Article Title   : “My Experience Writing a Story For a Newspaper” By                  :   Thomasina Dinehdeal On the first day of the program I was scared because I didn’t know what kind of news piece I was going to write about . We went to a meeting with a lady named Jeannine Relly who showed us an article on “Why So Few American Indians Earn Ph.D.’s, and What Colleges Can Do About It”. So, I figured I should do a news article on the challenges Native American students face. I was also nervous because I didn’t know who my sources were going to be and I didn’t know how to approach them. I had to get it over with, so I called my first source. and it turns It turned out that she is also from the same tribe as I was from. So I wasn’t nervous at all. All my sources that I approached were all Native American so I was comfo...

Makalah 'Ulumul Hadith - UNSUR-UNSUR POKOK HADITS

MAKALAH “UNSUR-UNSUR POKOK HADITS” Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Mata Kuliah ‘Ulumul Hadits Dosen Pengampuh : M**. S*******, S.Th.I, M.Th.I [LAMBANG KAMPUS] Disusun Oleh: A****** N******* P**** U***** NIM. 19020***** I**** V****** H***** NIM. 19020***** PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA ARAB FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN ILMU KEGURUAN INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (IAIN) ******* 2019 KATA PENGANTAR Bismillah, syukur Alhamdulillah kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'alaa yang atas rahmat-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah yang berjudul “Unsur-Unsur Pokok Hadits” ini. Makalah ini diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas dari ustadz M**. S******, S.Th.I., M.Th.I., selaku dosen mata kuliah ‘Ulumul Hadits dengan tujuan agar dapat menambah wawasan mengenai unsur-unsur pokok hadits bagi para pembaca dan juga kami selaku penyusun. Pembuatan makalah ini pula tidak terlepas dari berbagai sumber referensi sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. ...